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Twitter remains my favorite social media platform to this day. It isn't perfect, though. Not by any stretch of the imagination. There are those who " steal or borrow " content from other Twitter users. The occasional viral flash in a pan turned into volcano erupting molten lava . Then there's the tedious interfacing when you're really just trying to say something important, but get cut off from fully expressing yourself . In the past month I've had a number of engagements on the subject of race on Twitter. One engagement, ended with me blocking someone because they chose to ridicule and disrespect me, for simply pointing out intention. Another engagement, ended with someone blocking me, because I wasn't seeing or reading a tweet the exact same way they were. The final engagement, ended in me feeling defeated, but at least no one was blocked. At least, I don't think so. I consider myself to be an ally of the African American community and to people of c

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