It's In The Title...

Somewhere between the words face and book, some people got lost.

The general concept of Facebook isn't difficult to understand. You put your "face", in the "book", and vwa-lah! Stuff happens.

Sometimes you like the stuff happening and sometimes you don't. Regardless, stuff still continues to happen.

What's not to like?

Well, apparently, only the fact such an abomination created by man himself could continue to exist in such a place as the inter...

Oh, right... The Internet.

I haven't been a part of Facebook for long. I joined primarily because I started blogging and writing earlier this year. It has helped me gain an audience, a very small audience, albeit, but an audience I never had to begin with. 

I wanted to create something and after I created it, I wanted to show it to others and let them see it. Knowing if I ever wanted to make the thing I built, bigger, I would need an audience of people to make this happen.

Facebook is a place to find such an audience, in fact, by my numbers, currently the best place.

I can't help but notice the number of people who claim they can't stand Facebook, while on Facebook nonetheless.

I imagine, most people who dislike Facebook is mainly due to all the political posts. However, this is a terrible reason for disliking Facebook, because there are several different options at your disposal to curate your Facebook experience. You don't get to blame Facebook for your own personal ineptitude.

The people who dislike Facebook for political reasons are obviously talking about other people who hold a different option than themselves, and they don't know how to respond in a civil adult manner or how to not respond at all when it comes to a simple difference in opinion.

If you were to take away all the political post from Facebook, then people have to deal with their own personal life (or lives), catching up with them.

I'll admit, I write and create things I don't share on Facebook with my family and friends. Those projects aren't going to lead to family members disowning me, friends unfriending me, and I'm not breaking any laws either. Chances are, I only think they don't know about these other projects when, in reality, they probably do, or at the least have a very good idea what they entail. My life's darkest secrets are already out, and what I write or create is not an exact carbon copy of who or what I am.

Other people, simply put, are not open books online, probably because they read like a transcript of, "The Jerry Springer Show", or worse. *shudders* 

When I started to really think about this entire scenario, I realized, it isn't Facebook people dislike. It's the company they keep.

If you take away all material related to politics and personal details not fit for public consumption, you're left with the kind of person who dislikes Facebook and the people who only think the same way they do.

In the end, they're unhappy with Facebook because they're not enclosed in a self-moderated online echo-chamber. 

So what exactly are these kinds of people trying to get out of Facebook then? Who knows? They don't even know.
