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Edited 04-13-2018: Grammatically and Readability

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me."

Remember this old adage?

The other day I was upset because I haven't been on a date in a very long time. Me being single, I had decided to recently join a number of dating sites and apps because this is what one does when they're lonely.

I did not go on one date, not even during what would be considered a "busy" month for those looking for companionship. I went to an "old internet friend" who goes by the name, Reddit, because along with being single, I also do not have someone in real life to confide with.

"Consult the sages!"

 As one with do with an "old friend".

The "sages", for the most part, were not particularly happy with my question.

Most of them completely misread and/or misunderstood my question and became angry because they thought I was implying I am entitled to a date.

No. I'm not entitled to anything, much less someone else's time. The word entitled doesn't enter into my vocabulary often.

Other "sages" were upset because they thought I was asking for an angry mob, pitchforks included. "Not your personal army.", etc. etc.

The other sages unleashed even more assumptions.

They went as far as to say my responses indicated I was single and dateless because I was acting like a 17-year-old.

For the record, this particular comment came from the same person who originally reacted to the question by grabbing their imaginary internet pitchfork.

All in all, this is a large reason as to why we can't have nice things on the internet anymore.

If you ask a question online, you're not expected to give a proper answer and try to have an actual conversation with someone else you have not and probably never will meet face to face.

"Why would anyone want to ask a question, when we have Google?"

You're expected to mock, chide, insult, berate, embarrass, and/or humiliate them in front of other peers to score "points".

Spewing vitriol is optional but, doesn't necessarily disqualify you from the competition.

The funny thing is, the "sages" largely went untouched without a self-proclaimed wordsmith's craftily constructed beatdown from yours truly, until recently.

They got their "point" across while being undoubtfully rude and thought they had gotten away with it all.

There is something different about Reddit, though.

Your Reddit history is up for all others to investigate whenever they like. Anybody willing to can see what you are like on Reddit.

Your karma shows, at all times.

Reddit is considerably free range for the most part. If you want to play the role of the "internet bad-ass" in an attempt to make yourself feel better at the expense of others because you feel safe doing so behind a keyboard, you should know the same form of protection afforded to you, is afforded to others as well.
