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Communication on the internet is without three major components in the discourse within human conversations.
  1. Tone
  2. Context
  3. Perspective

Without these three components, communicating on the internet faces a set of challenges that need to be approached and taken as seriously as possible at all times, until you have built a good sturdy common ground with the person(s) you are talking to. 

This comes to light with recent interactions I have had on Discord with others while talking about this past weekend's, Fyre Festival. I will use these conversations in combination with the subject material to explain how one should attempt to communicate over the internet and partake in having a civil adult conversation online. 

The first order of business while trying to have a conversation about a particular subject while on the internet, is to take the time to familiarize yourself with the topic of discussion. Remember, the topic is the Fyre Festival. Use Google to look it up if you haven't already. Is your search complete? Good. The articles you come across may look something like this

Once you have an idea of what the story is, you can then take the time to form your own opinion about the subject matter before you take part in the conversation. 

For example, my perspective on the Fyre Festival is it was rife with irony. I thought the people who paid thousands of dollars and ended up on a tropical island nearly without power for a luxury weekend getaway in the Bahamas was humorous only due to the extreme levels of irony. 

The irony in the fact that Ja Rule was behind promoting this festival. Ja Rule, a rapper from the '90s who hasn't released a record in a long time, who also served time in prison for gun possession and tax evasion. A convicted felon for theft stole money from others? Why am I not shocked? 

The irony in the fact that Kendall Jenner, a social media promoter of the Fyre Festival and one personality of the hit reality TV show, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians", a model and spokesperson whose claim to fame is at this point mainly based on genetics and gets paid for exactly these kinds of endorsements.  

The irony in the fact that not only did they put a mark on their own personalities and brands, they involved Stephen Starr, a highly successful New York restaurateur who has now had to take the time to distance himself from the damage radius. His company has already come out to say that he was not involved in the catering in any way.

The irony in the fact that people were already whistle-blowing this festival a month in advance.

The irony in the fact that festival-goers were promised lockers to safe keep their belongings and instead received what looked like stolen High School gym lockers without padlocks. 

Who travels with a spare padlock? I don't know about the rest of you but, I'm doing it now even if I'm not expecting lockers.  

The irony in the fact that attendees were upset at having to eat under a cloth tent acting as the food court and transported around a nearly unpopulated island in the Bahamas by an all too familiar sight, "The Big Yellow Banana", a Bluebird school bus. 

The question being, what exactly were they expecting? 

If I was given a tent already pitched and set up with food inside, I wouldn't be calling that out as a negative other than the fact, that the meal clearly was not the five-star meal advertised. I can only imagine that people who paid to travel to the Bahamas for a luxury getaway slash music festival, would be appalled at the sight of a Bluebird school bus as their transport because the majority of them probably never had to ride in one before. Me personally, if I saw a bus as the transport around the island so I don't have to walk everywhere, I would be giving thanks to the Bluebird school bus Gods for somehow managing to find a way to get a bus onto the island in the first place. 

The irony in the fact that complaints about the surely unsanitary conditions of the kitchen. Again, you're on an unfrequented island in the Bahamas. 

The irony in the fact that even some victims of this debacle, were themselves making light of the situation by tweeting to Chef Gordon Ramsay for a culinary critique of their bread and cheese. 

To cap off the sum of the irony, @Iron_Spike tweets, "So to recap? Some Instagram kids just paid between $450 & +$12k... to be stranded... in a tropical tent city. Cuz som models told them to."

I have to agree. These people paid thousands of dollars for a luxury weekend. Some reports have claimed up to $250,000. They didn't get what they expected and paid for and then they complained about the quality of this luxury experience gone wrong in the Bahamas, digitally documented for the entire world to see on the internet. What else did you expect from the reactions to this other than to be immediately ranked and filed as fodder for all the trolls?

Now, call in the "Social Justice Warriors", or "SJWs" to help out the poor miserable souls that spent a weekend out in the Bahamas. The ones who felt that these people needed to be defended for whatever reason they came up with on their own accord. Make no mistake, I do in fact feel for these people. I'm not laughing at their personal expense, I'm laughing at the irony of the scenario itself. 

For perspective sakes, let us examine the real damage done here. No one got dragged off the plane involuntarily, no one alleged to be struck by a flight attendant at any point in time, nobody was stranded or left for dead on the island, in the end, I would consider this to be a simple classic case of disappointment.

"The Hunger Games", "Lord of the Flies", and any other horrific literary comparison in the future that could be used to describe the Fyre Festival, is exactly that, a comparison. One that pales to fictional scenarios. I myself am guilty of doing this by tweeting about the situation as it was unfolding with the hashtag, "Save Piggy". 

As for my experience in attempting to have that civil adult conversation on Discord about the Fyre Festival festival, I am tired of people saying that the humor was purely in jest of the attendants social and financial status. I do not hate nor dislike people who have more money than myself. I do, however, dislike it when people with that kind of money get slightly screwed over while in a tropical island setting and then turn to look for help from people like myself that they have had nothing to do with in their entire lives for obvious reasons. 

Now that I've built upon the ground needed so that in turn, I can break those rules of having a conversation, my tone, context, and perspective all revealed, I'll sum up the entire experience with this last statement for all the "internet kiddies". The Fyre Festival ain't lit fam...   

If you're still concerned about the ones who were dealt a bad hand, this should allow you to sleep at night.  
