
The internet is supposed to connect us to others but, what if other people online aren't looking for connections the same time you are? What if everyone over time, forgot how to communicate and relate to others because the internet's veil of anonymity became a blanket of fog?

I've always had a hard time keeping friends for long periods of time. I can talk to people pretty easily and I don't think I'm socially awkward to a point that no one can stand to be around me. The relationship I feel to Morgan Freeman playing as Detective Somerset in Seven does, however arise again. "Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me finds me disagreeable.", that line gets me every time.

That being said, if I knowingly acknowledge these things about myself and I approach situations online where I am introducing myself to a group of unknown people, why does the following seem to be the majority of those interactions?


Me: "Hello all."

Random Person: "hi"

Me: "How are you?"

Random Person: "fine i guess" (followed by a newly trending "thinking" emote)

Me: "Good."


That was the entire conversation. Including a few minutes pause in between replies for internet etiquette's sake, that exchange of words took about 10 minutes. It is atrocious to think about the amount of time wasted with modern day technology, especially considering that attempt to connect would have taken approximately 10 seconds if we had been face to face in real life.

Is this the intended internet end game in 2017? I've had more engaging conversations with a homeless woman with an exposed surgical metal plate drilled into the side of her head at a bus station, who had to hand write out her messages to me.

I like so many others in life, don't want to feel like I'm completely alone or think about what life would be like without someone to share it with. If the internet is full of conveniences, why do I still feel so inconvenienced?
